Cornelius on Usability
Thursday, January 05, 2006
I've added a news location to my bookmarks - it's a Microsoft blog by Jensen Harris. There's fascinating stuff on the design, and process of design, of the new Microsoft Office 12.

While we're on the subject, I wonder if they've finally made the "insert hyperlink" button smart? i.e. if I select something that has "http://" as a prefix, isn't it very obvious I just want that made straight into a link? Actually, I'd go further - tools like the Semagic blogging tool check the content of the clipboard and if that looks like a link, simply use that and don't bring up the dialog. It's incredibly effective; I always cut and paste links. I guess an alternative would be to have ctrl+V create a link on the current text instead of replacing the selection if the paste buffer contains an URL.
A blog for me to rant about what I do - usability. Essays, thoughts, links and general comment.

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